SmartyKids SI

Child education
center franchise

Launch a rewarding and sustainable education business. Do what you love in the constantly growing field of child education.

SmartyKids is

child education center dedicated to the intellectual development of children, preserving the childhood atmosphere around them.

Our curriculum is designed in a way to build knowledge and skills gradually with the right pace preventing loss of interest to the activities.

Results that we achieved in



20 000+ Children

Study at SmartyKids centers

350+ Centers

Dedicated to children`s development

1000+ Teachers

Trained and following SmartyKids methodology

200+ Cities

With one or more SmartyKids centers in the EU

11 Countries

Where you can find SmartyKids centers

6 Months

To return the initial franchise investment

We offer unique author courses
for children from 4 to 14 years


Express interest and receive a free franchise consultation

How SmartyKids classes go

At our centers classes take the form of a game

Launch a SmartyKids child education center and do what you love

Fill out the form and receive a presentation of the SmartyKids franchise opportunity.