Exciting Mathematics For children aged 3 to 6 years old
The course program provides an opportunity for intensive development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities. They take their first steps in mathematics, and thus, it holds a special place in their intellectual development.
The goal of the course is to prepare children for math classes at school in an effective and fun way.
The classes are conducted in the form of games and are based on the child’s activities with various objects, while educational materials help to systematize and reinforce this knowledge.
Thanks to the educational materials, the child forms an understanding of concepts such as shape, size, color, and quantity. The textbook is used in conjunction with a workbook, interactive presentations, developed lesson plans, and a set of didactic materials.
All classes are conducted in a playful format, which helps children develop an interest in mathematics. The course is conducted in a group of 4 children. During the lessons, children constantly switch activities, making the work more dynamic and maintaining their interest. The content of the course is focused on acquiring mathematical terminology, which will facilitate their further education.
The course helps the child develop an interest in mathematics as a subject.
Handwriting is an important skill that develops 30% of the cortex of the brain and is responsible for the creative development of every person.
This program provides an opportunity for intensive development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities.
SmartyMath lessons develop associative thinking, memory, and help improve concentration.
Classes are conducted in groups of 4 children. By working together, children learn teamwork.
The child will not be burdened: the classes are built on frequent changes of activity in the form of games, working with didactic materials, and colorful presentations. Author’s textbooks All courses at SmartyKids use original educational materials created by us with great love and attention to detail.
In all SmartyKids courses, we use original didactic materials that we have created with great love and attention to detail.
All teachers at SmartyKids educational centers undergo training and certification. They know how to intrigue every child and find common ground with them.
The course lasts for 9 months, with two lessons per week. Each lesson is 1 hour long.
Usually, classes are in groups of 4 children. The teacher is fully engaged and emotionally presents the entire material. The exercises alternate with interactive activities, logical games, and didactic games.
The course helps with successful pre-school preparation and the development of higher mental processes (memory, concentration, imagination); it forms the basis of mathematics and contributes to the knowledge of the surrounding world (observation, measurement, modeling), develops thinking (analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization). In practice, children learn to compare objects, make the simplest analyses and syntheses, and establish relationships between general and specific concepts.
In the process of mental arithmetic activities, both hemispheres of the brain work simultaneously. Such activity stimulates harmonious intellectual development, improves memory, imagination and logical thinking.
Mental arithmetic unfolds creative and analytical thinking, improves concentration, photographic memory, imagination, logical thinking, as well as observation and hearing skills. This isn’t just a mental calculation, because the ability to find answers to the most difficult tasks within seconds develops the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imagination and figurative thinking.
Mental arithmetic activities help the child to master the school subjects better. First, the abilities related to memory, imagination, and thinking develop. Second, it helps to better understand the exact sciences: mathematics, geometry. And third, when your child learns to calculate quickly – they will know that they can learn everything, as long as they put in the effort!